Sometimes you need to be a little bit of a kid, to help you get back into a better helpful lifestyle. You burn about 200 calories an hour swinging. Only if all the benches around the world were swings. We might all be a little better off.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Uphill Running
Burns up to twice the amount of calories as flat ground running. It helps build more muscle and strength in your legs, which will help lower the rest of getting shin splints. Increases your endurance so you can run for longer in the future and you’ll increase you speed. Let uphill running work for you.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Make Your Diet Colorful
The more color that you can put into your diet the healthier you will be. Most of these colorful foods have great health benefits as you can see below.
Green: Help’s the eyes and helps lower cholesterol.
Red: Lowers fat and helps reduce the rest of heart disease.
Yellow: Helps fight some cancers.
Orange: Helps boost the immune system.
Blue: Helps keep your mind sharp and fights some cancers.
Purple: Helps slow aging and is also able to fight some cancers.
White: Help reduce the risk of heart disease and fights some cancers.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Shin Splints
Overuse injury of the muscles around the tibia bone. Due to high impact exercises like running or jumping can case this pain. If pain diminishes shortly after you start exercising and comes back hours later this is a good sign that you have shin splints. To help alleviate the pain you should cross train using different forms of exercise like biking, swimming and any other types of low impact exercises. After you have healed, you should slowly build back to where you were at.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Being Active Over 50 Helps
People who are active over the age of 50 live healthier and longer. Research has shown that people over the age of 50 who partake in moderate physical activity 3 to 4 times a week, see many health benefits.
1. They loss less muscle mass
2. They have stronger bones
3. They have lower cholesterol
4. Control blood pressure better
5. Improves digestion
6. Better Sleep
7. Lowers the rick of some types of cancers
8. Strengthens joints
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Negative self-talk can be one of the biggest problems that a person will deal with on a day to day basis. Don’t catch yourself saying things like, “I’ll never get in shape, It’s too hard, or I can’t do that.” We all go through days like this. All we can do is just think positive about ourselves and try to bring people into our lives that will also help us to think positive about ourselves. Fitness is a struggle, we just have to keep fighting to obtain our goals.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
New Ab Workout
Try this new ab workout to hit all the major muscles in the abdominals. But remember cardio is key to good looking abs and abs should always be one of the last things that you workout.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Relax (Stay relaxed, as you run. Don’t white knuckle it, always be relaxed)
Take the talk test (You should be able to talk as you run with a partner)
Run in minutes not in miles
Always hydrate (You should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day even if you don’t exercise and days that you do exercises you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water and 1 to 1.5 ounces of water for every once of sweat you sweat.)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sugar Drinks And Obesity
Over the last 40 years in the United States we have seen a major spike in sugar drink consumption. Do to the fact that people feel the need to drink an overwhelming amount of caffeine and sugar to keep them going. In almost ever restaurant that you go to today you will find that they have free refills. Because of this the average American consumes 350 to 500 calories more than they did in the 60’ and 70’s. Studies have shown that if you are hungry drinking something will stop the urge to want to eat. These studies were done with water not a 64 ounce big gulp of soda. Sugar drinks are on the rise as well as are bellies. I myself have the same struggles with sugar drinks. Sometimes it just feels essay to drink a soda, Rockstar energy drink or a Carmel Macchiato. Remember if you are hungry don’t just drink a sugar drink try water or try to just drink less.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Low Abdominal Exercises
The lower abdominals are the hardest part of the abs to
get. Try these exercises and see if they
help you to get those hard to hit abs. Do
them in the morning and again in the evening.
Before you know it, you will start to see them start to take the look
that you are looking for.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Plyometric Training
Also known as jump training is one of the best ways to help increase reaction time, explosiveness and leg strength. This type of training can be very beneficial in helping sprinters, jumpers or any other sport that requires explosiveness and speed. If you need to get a better start for your 100 meter dash or just put 3 or 4 more inches on your high jump these type of drills can help you to achieve these goals.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Balance And Stability Exercise Benefits
Balance and stability exercises have been around for years, but we just didn’t know the benefits of stability. We have found that people that use balance and stability exercises in there fitness programs, have better posture, improve there coordination and helps there athletic skills. This also will result in fewer injuries and greater stability as we age. Plus one of the best benefits to balance exercises is that many of them don’t require equipment to do them.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Plank Exercises
Planking might be one the of easiest looking exercises around, but that isn’t true. People underestimate this exercise all the time. Just try doing a plank for 30 to 60 seconds and you will find out just how hard they can be. Before you know it they might just become a major part of your ab workout.
Try these three planking exercises and hold each for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Regular plank
- Side Plank (each side)
- Superman Plank
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Trouble Areas
Almost everyone has a trouble area on there body where fat likes to build up at. For women these spots can be the thighs, butt, hips and upper arms. For men it can be the belly, love handles, neck and butt. When trying to tone those areas, we need to look at exercises that target those specific areas. After you have lost the weight in those areas it is more about diet and eating healthy to keep those trouble areas from coming back. Remember its more about diet then exercise when it comes to maintaining.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Remember The Old Saying, “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”
This is a true statement. I have heard many people say, shouldn’t it be keep the dentist away. Yes, apple do help to clean teeth, but the best thing about apples are there full of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a great thing to eat, it consist of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water that forms a gel like substance that attacks to cholesterol and removes it from the body. Insoluble fiber helps promote digestive movement in the digestive track. Insoluble fiber also makes up the bulk of your stool. You can find dietary fiber in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains. You don’t find dietary fiber in a powder. To get the full benefits of fiber you need to eat dietary fiber that is found in plant grown foods.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Make Your Own Agility Ladder Out Of Chalk Or Tape
You can make your own speed ladder at home for little to nothing. All you have to do is get some chalk or tape and make one, right at home. There is so many different drills that you can do with one of these. I am going to give you one right now.
In-Out Drill
Bear Crawl Drill
Lateral Feet Drill
Power Push-Up Drill
High Knee Run Through
In-Out Hand Shuffle
2 In 2 Out Shuffle
Repeat 4 times!
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