Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There is 2 ways to do lunges.  The first is a stretching lunge and the second is a resistance training type lunge.  When do a stretching type lunge you should always try to move forward, to help limit the stress on your knees and limit the chance of falling.  The second type of lunge is the most common type of lunge.  This is a resistance training type lunge.  There should be less range of motion and stretching in a resistance training type lunge.  This should lower your chance of injury.  You can either try to move forward or stay in one place when doing a resistance type lunge.  If pain starts to arise in the knees, try taking smaller steps (decrease you range of motion) with the lunge.  Until you have strengthened the knees back up, than you increase your range of motion again.  Make sure that you keep a strait back and get a 90 angle in both knees.  

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