Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fluter Kicks with Resistance Bands

 This is a great way to work those glutes and hip flexors, with a little more resistance.

Stay Active In Life

Children are very dynamic. As we age we become less active, due to a more sedentary lifestyle. Are bodies tend to lose some mobility. Bad habits start to form. If I asked a group of adults to pickup a trash all at the same time, about 90% of them would bend over to pickup the trash. If I asked a group of 2 year olds to pickup there toys, 90% of them would squat to pickup them. If you look at people that are still in places of the would where they are hunter gathers. You can see that they have much of there mobility that they had as a child. Just remember the more mobile you are the less likely you are to an injury. Try to just move about and stretch for just 5 minutes every hour you are non active and sitting.

Routine Is The Enemy To Change

Routine is the enemy to change. Try to change up your routine once every week your two. By trying something new. It doesn't have to be a big change. It could be like running hills today instead of a 5 mile run or burnouts on a could of free weight exercises. This can help you brake through those plateau's that you are going through.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

TRX L1 Cert

Just got certified to be a TRX suspension trainer L1, at the TRX training Center in San Francisco. I had a great time and got to meet a lot of new people from all over. TRX works I was sore for three days after in my legs. I never saw that one coming.