Wednesday, July 31, 2013


The daily struggle that we all live with!


Looking to maximize your triceps potential.  Here is a great tricep workout for people that have been trying to get those triceps to peak performance.  Remember to lift using competing muscles like your biceps with triceps, or muscle that complement one another like chest with triceps.  This should make them hit that weight goal or give you that look that you wanted. 

Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Kick Backs (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Cable Triceps pushdowns (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Reverse Grip Cable Triceps pushdowns (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Skull Crushers (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Dips (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)
Bench Dips (3 sets of 8 to 12 reps)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Diet and Exercise

You only exercise a small part of your day, but you have to eat throughout your whole day.

Compound Exercises

Compound exercises are exercises that use more than one muscle group.  These exercises will make you stronger, build muscle fast, keeping your heart rate up and burn fat faster.  All while you spend less time in the gym.  These exercises are much harder then isolated exercises, which only use one muscle group.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great workout for a person that is just starting out trying to get into a fitness program.  here is a couple of exercises that can get you started.

Tire Flipping Pointers

Always pick a tire that you feel is the right size for you.  If you don’t know what size of tire to use.  Always go small, it’s better to be safe then sorry.  Then you want to get a good passion to start your flips.  The first thing is to be 14 to 20 inch. behind the tire and squat down into a football stance keeping feet, ankles, knees, hips and shoulders aligned.  Hands firmly gripping under the tire with chest and shoulders agents the tire.  Always keep a slight bend in the arms.  You want to explode using your legs like you would with a clean, but at a 45°Never try to lift the tire, using a deadlift or curl.  This will only set you up for injury.  Some people will use there knee to help them after they have gotten the tire up high enough to get there knee under it.  If you don’t have good technique find a personal trainer to go over proper lifting techniques, so that you don’t injure yourself.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles.  Most people get this from pregnancy, heavy weight gain, overdeveloping your oblique’s and over flexing your abdominal muscles.  There are many other medical resigns for a person to have Diastasis recti.  There are ways to correct this.  Try these exercises to help you get those abdominals back together again.  The first is to do pelvic floor exercises; the second is crunches pushing the bellybutton in and last is towel assisted crunches.  These should help to bring those abdominals together.  You also want to stay away from oblique exercises and abdominal stretches.  The right personal trainer will be able to help you fix those abdominals and get you the look that you want.

Friday, July 26, 2013

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) WORKOUT

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)  WORKOUT
HIIT workouts consist of short high intensity burst of activity, with short rest periods between them.  You want to do these bursts of energy for 30 to 60 seconds with 15 to 30 seconds of low intensity exercises for your rest periods.  This type of workout is said to increase your resting heart rate (RMR) for the next 24 hours after the workout and improves maximum oxygen consumption during your workout better than traditional aerobic workouts, like long distance running and so on.  Because of that it is also said to help people burn fat faster in a shorter amount of time than traditional aerobic exercises.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Benefits That Music As On Exercise

The main benefit to listening to music as you exercise is that it makes you not think about being tired.  The second thing that music does is that it gets your mind off of how long you have been training.   Third thing that music does is that it calms people and relieves stress.  Last, but not least it can help promote strength as well.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Work Those Hips To Cut The Pain In Your Knees

Work Those Hips To Cut The Pain In Your Knees
There just was a study done by the British Journal of Sports Medicine saying that people that suffer from patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), can cute this pain by exercising and strengthening there hips.  PFPS is when there is bruising in the knee joint.  This is most often caused by repetitive compression of the knee joint.  We see this in people who run, bicycle, play basketball or any type of exercises that cause this joint to be compression.  People who are prone to PFPS should think about exercising those hips a little more.

Get Off The Couch

All you need to do is just get off the couch!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask
I’m a large muscular guy and I have been exercising for many years now.  There has been many times where I have asked a person in the GYM if they will show me the exercise that they are performing, because I have never seen it before.  I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to exercises that I have never seen.  I have worked with clients that told me stories of people coming up to them and asking about the exercise that they are performing.  This makes there day when this happens to them.  So remember never be afraid to ask about an exercise.  You just might make there day. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013



I was reading an article in IDEA Fitness Journal, called Help Your Clients to Achieve Greatness. In this article it talked about accomplices and coaches.  An accomplice is a person that peer pressures or influences you into making bad habits.  A coach is a person that will help you make healthy lifestyle changes.  It said that if you hang out with people that all have the same bad habits you will most likely follow suit.  But if you hang out with people that are trying to make healthy lifestyle changes you will more likely make healthier lifestyle changes yourself.  I’m not saying stop hanging out with your friends that are accomplices.  All I am saying is that you need to try and hang out with friends or make friends that are coaches.  One of the best places to make these coaching friends can be found at the GYM or at group fitness classes.  The best coach that you could make will be with your personal trainer or group trainer.   Personal trainers are great coaches, but the most important coaches will be your family.  If you can’t get them to help support you, than it will be very difficult to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pre-Workout Foods

You want to eat foods that are light not heavy on the stomech.  Here are just good pre workout foods.
1. Fruits 
2. Vegetables
3. Low fat milk
4. Whole grains
5. and most importunely water                                       

The main things that you want to avoid are fatty foods and high sugar foods.  It takes a long time to digest fats, they stay with you much longer than other foods.  This can make you feel nauseous or give you stomach cramps.  Than there are foods that are high in sugar than give you a quick burst of energy and than make you feel sluggish, which is a sugar crash.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Benefits To Bodyweight Exercising

Benefits To Bodyweight Exercising
There are many benefits to bodyweight exercises.  Bodyweight exercising has been around for years, but within the last 5 or 6 years it has made a huge comeback.  Here is just a few of the major benefits that come with bodyweight exercising.

It can be done almost anywhere for convenience,
It can help stability and core strength,
It doesn’t cost anything to do it,
Can increase flexibility,
Combines cardio and strength training and 
Helps prevent injuries.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Help Prevent Lower Back Pain
For most people lower pain can be a chronic problem that lasts for years.  Some good ways to reduce the pain are: 
1. Keeping good posture, 
2. Trying sleeping on your side with a pillow in between your legs, 
3. Stay at a healthy weight, manage stress, 
4. Eat a health amount of calcium and vitamin D, 
5. Lift objects safely 
6. Strengthen your core muscles to help alleviate pain in your lower back. 
7. If you weight lift, a good way to cut the pain is lifting why you set instead of stand.  
Take it from a guy that has gone through the pain himself.  I have had a herniated dick in my lower back for over 10 years.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


You should never just stop when the body of your workout is down.  People should still take 5 to 10 minutes to cool down.  This will help your body to improve muscle growth, increase strength, cut down on muscle soreness, help you from feeling sick and keep your heart healthy.  Some of the things that you can do to cool down are light cardio (walking) or small muscle group exercising (core training) and last but not least stretching.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Good Healthy On the Go Foods

Good Healthy On the Go Foods
Here are some good, easy, healthy snacks that you can eat on the go.
1. Nuts
2. Granola 
3. Fruit
4. Vegetables
5. Hard Boiled Egg
6. Greek Yogurt

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Evaluate Your Goals And Progress Every 4 Weeks

Evaluate Your Goals And Progress Every 4 Weeks
Try to keep a record of you progress.  Like your weight loss or gain you have made.  You can also track your fitness performance, like how long you ran or how many reps you did.  All of these things will help you better evaluate your progress.  If something is not working than it is time to modify your program.  

Monday, July 8, 2013

One Legged Squat

One Legged Squat
When I first hard about these squats I never thought that people got much of a workout from them.  Boy was I wrong.  The one legged squat is perhaps the hardest squat for people to do.  It takes a lot of stability and balance to do a one legged squat.  You use so many stabilizer muscle that you just don’t think about.  There is a very good chance that you will be very sore after a few sets of them.  You will find that they help greatly with strength and help sprinters with there run times.  If you are going to start these, here is a few tips to help you get started.  Try to use something that will help stabilize yourself.  Many people start by using a wall or a beam.  Try doing 2 sets of these.  Along with your normal leg workout, after you can do them.  Start doing 2 to 4 sets, using a bench or plyo box to sit down on and than right back up.  It could take 6 to 8 weeks to get to a point that you can do these with little to no problem.  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Make That Weak Exercise A Strength

Make That Weak Exercise A Strength

Most of the time you have a weak exercise is because you don’t do it.  Try to fight through that exercise and before you know it that exercise will be a strength that you have. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Interval training is a great way to increase your intensity little by little. We use interval training with are cardio.  Interval training will help push us to get to that next level of fitness.  Remember you don’t want to ever over do it.  So by putting a little interval training into your fitness program you should start to see fitness levels increase along the way. How fast you see fitness levels rise, well that up to you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Pull Ups 
Pull ups are one of the hardiest body weight exercises that a person can do.  The US Marine Corp uses them as part of there Physical Fitness Test.  They use the pull up instead of the push up because of how much harder they are to do.  The Marine Corp minimum standard for pull ups is 3.  Many people can’t do even one.  Many of todays fitness organizations are incorporating pull ups and deferent types of pull ups into there programs.  So you might be seeing people do side to side pull ups, sliding pull ups, narrow grip pull ups, behind the head pull ups and many others.  Remember pull ups are the best exercise for your back.  You don’t need to have free weights and cables to get a great back work out in.

Monday, July 1, 2013


One of the best body weight exercises that a person can do.  This exercise was made famous by the military.  It targets lower and upper body.  Add 20 of these each day into your exercise program to help improve cardio and strength at the same time.